14 February 2008


So... I just wrote a super feminist paper on how advertisements for pads and tampons have served to shame women and keep the topic of menstruation under the rug as a "feminine problem" from when they are invented up until the current day. Wtf? I always find myself writing these kinds of things and yet in general I feel like I could hardly care. But here are some examples.

Anyway... now you know.

10 February 2008


"...Beer represented a civilized beverage renowned for its healthful influences, consumed by all classes in the productive countries of Western Europe and the rest of North America. It offered an alternative to the lower-class symbolism of pulque or mescal that Mexico's rulers blamed for the low productivity and constant inebriation of Mexican workers. Drinking beer allowed the gente decente both to differentiate itself from the lower classes and to offer them a moral example of how to build a stronger, more progressive nation."

-from 'Consumers of Good Taste:' Marketing Modernity in Northern Mexico by Steven Bunker

We've come a long way, baby.

01 February 2008

My wandering days are over

RE: The last post: If any of you were real friends you would confiscate all access to technology after the first shot I take. haha

Moving on...

Ann Coulter said she would vote for Hillary over McCain. I don't even know what to make of that. But it kind of explains why I would never vote for Hillary. Its not because I hate my vagina or hers or vaginas in general, which I guess is what people are saying about women who won't vote for her. It's because she's a wolf neocon in a liberal sheep's clothing, and its kinda scary.

Which means with Edwards out I guess I am a de facto Obama girl. Oh well.