27 January 2008

livin for the weekend


You toast a bagel. It dont matta what kind.

Then you spread butter on it. It dont matta what kind.

You wait for the butter to soak in.

Then you put cream cheese on it. It dont matta what kind. I recommend a good fatty kind tho, none of that light/fat free shit.

Then you eat.

Yeahhhh, motherfucker.

25 January 2008

Watching the detectives

It's no big secret that women, on average, earn less than men. But did you know that in addition, ugly people earn less than pretty people?

So maybe somewhat ironically, ugly men are penalized more salary-wise for their ugliness than ugly women - although men are rewarded more salary-wise for being pretty than women are, at least in the US.

For more info/the specific numbers go here.

22 January 2008

the past is a grotesque animal

I got in my car yesterday and the radio was playing "Love Hurts." So I immediately switched stations, and the next station was playing "Hold On For One More Day."

Divine airwaves, I don't know what message you're trying to send me, but I don't appreciate it.

20 January 2008

get it while you can

I finally got my life in order today! I organized my room and re-arranged the living room and now I feel functional again. Even though I am quite a messy person, its just due to laziness - I actually much prefer for things to be clean and organized but I can't usually be bothered to do simple things like hang a shirt up after I wear it.

ANYWAY. Not the point. Here's your ancaro imparo fix:

According to my Educ 345 professor (who hopefully knows what she's talking about, but she is a woman after all so what can she possibly know about computers?), studies have shown that Wikipedia is about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Brittanica. Neither are 100% accurate, but they do have about the same error rate.

16 January 2008

There is much virtue in If

The name of this blog is Ancaro Imparo. It's an old Italian phrase allegedly attributed to Michaelangelo that means "I am still learning." I stumbled across it in high school when I was firmly entrenched on the education career path and thought it was quite stellar. I've meant to get a tattoo of it ever since, but I'm taking my time.

Anyway. I couldn't decide what to do with this new blog after I discontinued my livejournal after repeated parental interference. But since the name is about learning, and I am learning, and want to help other people learn, I'm going to tell you what I learned today so you can learn something too and together we will all forget what the word learn even means because that's what happens when you repeat a word a lot like I just did.

learn learn learn learn learn learn learn



Do you know where the word "hymen" comes from? Nowadays its largely a flap of skin that has one short-lived but painful purpose. However, Hymen used to be the Greek god of marriage. Thus somewhere between Paganism and Christianity the term was appropriated to mean that thing you must have if you are a good girl.