08 April 2008

Morrissey says the joke isn't funny anymore

Ok, it's way past time for me to say this: APRIL FOOL'S!

I am not failing out of school. I'm definitely coming back to Rice last semester and I haven't sunk into fuck-all apathy. I'm busier than ever but I'm actually doing better than ever, which is how it seems to go. So no worries.

The post was the result of coming home after a long day and catching up on all my blogs and emails which contained a ton of April Fool's jokes and then realizing that it was 11.45pm and I had yet to pull one myself. Lea and I brainstormed, I wrote it, and she sent it to a couple people in a concerned email. Neither of us really thought that anyone at all would believe it.

But uhh, everyone did. My roommate, my best friends, and even my brother... all swallowed it pretty much hook line and sinker. So while I don't know how to feel that everyone could so easily believe that it was true, I do want to apologize for causing anyone undue worry. I should have written earlier that it was fake, but it slipped my mind. And thanks for the genuine concern from everyone, its really good to know that were something like that to actually happen I would have a safety net of friends to immediately rally around me.

gossip girl

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