22 May 2008

no, you're not rid of me

I know some people have a hard time excepting the realities of gender-based wage inequality and think that it's from another time and place. That's not a true story.

The true story is that it is alive and vibrant. A recent study shows that on average, recent male college grads earn 21.09$ while recent female college grads earn 18.17$. For those of you into numbers, that's a difference of 2.92$, and that's for, let me emphasize, recent college graduates. A group that you would think would face a relatively equal field. And in fact wage inequality is so inherent that the article doesn't even address it - the article is actually about how recent college grads salaries and benefits have gone down since 2001 and makes no mention of the wage discrepancy.

Ta da! You are still learning!

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