20 January 2008

get it while you can

I finally got my life in order today! I organized my room and re-arranged the living room and now I feel functional again. Even though I am quite a messy person, its just due to laziness - I actually much prefer for things to be clean and organized but I can't usually be bothered to do simple things like hang a shirt up after I wear it.

ANYWAY. Not the point. Here's your ancaro imparo fix:

According to my Educ 345 professor (who hopefully knows what she's talking about, but she is a woman after all so what can she possibly know about computers?), studies have shown that Wikipedia is about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Brittanica. Neither are 100% accurate, but they do have about the same error rate.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

But you DO know that no one's going to subtly slip a little VOTE RON PAUL into the Encyclopedia Brittanica.