14 June 2008

hi i'm a douche and i approve this douchey message

Ermmm, wtf? Here's a clip of McCain on SNL that I saw tonight:

Seriously... I don't know what to make of it. Why was he on SNL at all? It's just a campaign ad thinly THINLY veiled in humor... maybe SNL has always offered itself as a platform to political candidates, the show is 13 years older than I am so what do I know. And besides that, everyone knows SNL isn't that funny to begin with, but even with that standard in mind it's pretty bad humor. He's uhh, making fun of how shitty his state is? Or what a bad job he's done as a senator? Cos I don't think highways and post offices fall under pork barrel expenditures. And I know he made a lot of fun of his age in the skit, so we're supposed to think actually he's not that old, but everytime I see him it makes me realize all over again how fucking old he is. He's FUCKING OLD.

Also, earlier in the show they had Fred Armisen in blackface to play Barack Obama. Complete with big fake ears. I mean, I guess they had to cos the only other black male on the cast right now is Kenan Thompson. Uhh... yeah.

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