13 June 2008

i've got to admit it's getting better, a little better

If you haven't heard by now, the Supreme Court finally ruled, 5-4, that detainees at Guantanamo Bay - although to hell with semantics, they are PRISONERS - have the right to habeus corpus, i.e. a trial before an independent judge. Justice Kennedy wrote "The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times" and it's like, motherfuckin yeah they are! The Constitution wasn't designed to keep the peace in peaceful times, it was written in the years following a motherfucking war. Don't you think they maybe had wartime in mind? Those who give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither kinda shit? But no, Bush et al are all "We're in danger! The Constitution doesn't apply!" Fuck that shit. Thank you SCOTUS! All is not lost. Now please keep your slim liberal majority and do not overturn Roe v Wade. kthxbai

Also, Justice Scalia wrote in his dissenting opinion that this decision "will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed." THEY'RE ALREADY BEING KILLED IN YOUR MOTHERFUCKING WAR. I fail to see how finally granting prisoners their legal RIGHTS - rights, not privileges, basic rights they have been denied for years - will have any role in increasing attacks against Americans. I only see how it could lead to a decrease. The Americans being killed at the moment are the ones who invaded a motherfucking sovereign country for no reason whatsoever. (Ok, it was actually the government that did that. The Americans being killed are their pawns. Is it too insensitive to write that?) Anyway, the point is, the "radical Islamists" he refers to are not going to hate us more because we're finally giving at least some lip service to fair legal rights. Actually the point is that his argument is so dumb I've been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to attack it and it's just too dumb to fathom, so I'm not even going to bother anymore. Suck it, Scalia.

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